Digital Topics
June 2018

Damn, Another GDPR Privacy Email...

Written by
Create Ape Team

If the words, “An update to our privacy policy” look familiar, you’ve probably received a flood of GDPR compliances in your email inbox this week.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), is a legal framework that sets guidelines for collecting data and processing personal information in the European Union went into effect on May 25th, which means it will also affect any company we use regularly that conducts business in Europe.

Not only will it change the amount of emails in your inbox but also website design and UX. Now that users have more control over their data and whether they grant consent or not, GDPR will have an impact on design interfaces.

Twitter user’s were overjoyed about the sudden email attacks:

Well…she’s not wrong


If you’re going to send spam to my inbox might as well catch my attention.

Even Harry Potter can’t escape GDPR updates.

We’re definitely starting to resemble this guy.

Yep, definitely forgot about that gardening company I subscribed to for 10% off once.

Some are even finding….long lost ancestors?

This person clearly does not appreciate the unwarranted calls from their ex.

Although annoying, at least these emails are the perfect opportunity to clear out all the unwanted mailing lists.

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